The Development History of Circular Knitting Machine

The history of circular knitting machines, dates back to the early 16th century. The first knitting machines were manual, and it was not until the 19th century that the circular knitting machine was invented.

In 1816, the first circular knitting machine was invented by Samuel Benson. The machine was based on a circular frame and consisted of a series of hooks that could be moved around the circumference of the frame to produce the knitting. The circular knitting machine was a significant improvement over the hand-held knitting needles, as it could produce much larger pieces of fabric at a much faster rate.

In the following years, the circular knitting machine was further developed, with improvements to the frame and the addition of more complex mechanisms. In 1847, the first fully automated machine tricoter cercle was developed by William Cotton in England. This machine was capable of producing complete garments, including socks, gloves, and stockings.

The development of the circular weft knitting machines continued throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, with significant advancements in the machinery’s technology. In 1879, the first machine capable of producing ribbed fabric was invented, which allowed for more variety in the fabrics produced.

During the early 20th century, the máquina de tejer circular was further improved with the addition of electronic controls. This allowed for greater precision and accuracy in the production process and opened up new possibilities for the types of fabrics that could be produced.

In the latter half of the 20th century, computerized knitting machines were developed, which allowed for even greater precision and control over the knitting process. These machines could be programmed to produce a wide range of fabrics and patterns, making them incredibly versatile and useful in the textile industry.

Today, circular knitting machines are used to produce a wide range of fabrics, from fine, lightweight fabrics to heavy, dense fabrics used in outerwear. They are widely used in the fashion industry to produce clothing, as well as in the home textiles industry to produce blankets, bedspreads, and other home furnishings.

In conclusion, the development of the round knitting machine has been a significant advancement in the textile industry, allowing for the production of high-quality fabrics at a much faster rate than was previously possible. The continued development of the technology behind the circular knitting machine has opened up new possibilities for the types of fabrics that can be produced, and it is likely that this technology will continue to evolve and improve in the years to come.

Post time: Mar-26-2023